Are Sensitive Teeth Preventable?
If you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity, first off, don’t worry because you are not alone, and secondly, there are actions you can take to help! Of course, maintaining good oral hygiene is important to fight against any and all dental issues, but sometimes problems arise. Our team here at Gaston Dental Associates is here to help and give you all our preventative tips!
If you are experiencing sensitive teeth, it’s first important to pinpoint when your teeth experience pain. Typically, people will experience a sharp and sudden pain that can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Because your teeth are sensitive, your pain can be caused by eating or drinking anything really hot or cold, or foods high in sugar. Your teeth are quite complex things and have many layers to them. When your enamel is worn down, they expose something called dentin. Dentin is where the nerves of your teeth are stored and when cold, hot, or extremely sugary substances make contact with dentin, you experience sensitivity and sometimes pain.
Factors that can contribute to sensitive teeth are:
· Brushing too hard with a hard-bristled toothbrush
· Cavities
· Gum recession
· Gingivitis (inflamed gums)
· Cracked teeth
· Grinding or clenching your teeth
· Plaque buildup
Having the knowledge of what causes sensitive teeth is the first step to relieving the pain. Now that you know the factors that can contribute to tooth sensitivity, you can be an active participant in preventing your own tooth sensitivity! Another way to help prevent tooth sensitivity is coming in to see your Gaston Dental Associates professionals for routine dental cleanings and checkups.
If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, give our team a call at (704) 396 – 6166. Your health is our priority and we are here to help in any way we can!