Your Children’s Cavities Need To Be Filled!

If your child has a cavity in one of his or her baby teeth, the temptation can be to ignore it. “After all,” you may think, “those teeth will fall out shortly and be replaced, so why spend money getting them fixed?” Your children’s cavities need to be filled just like any permanent tooth would be!
The reality is that the baby teeth are an important part of your child’s health. Any cavities in them should be promptly repaired, because failing to do so could eventually have repercussions on your child’s adult teeth and their oral hygiene for years to come.
Baby teeth serve as placeholders for adult teeth. If your child’s baby teeth are damaged—or missing altogether—then when the adult teeth come in, it is possible they will come in at the wrong place in the gum tissue. This could lead to crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, or even painfully impacted teeth.
Because baby teeth play this important role, you should always make sure to provide them with the same level of care as you would for your child’s permanent teeth. This means you should schedule an appointment right away if you notice any issues, and if we find children’s cavities we will fill them right away.
In addition to serving as placeholders, the baby teeth provide your child with the chance to learn how to correctly care for his or her adult teeth. He or she will learn how to properly brush and floss on the baby teeth, and when the adult teeth come in, your child will already have the proper oral hygiene routine to care for themselves.
Given these things, it is important that you never ignore your children’s cavities. If you have any questions about your child’s baby teeth, please do not hesitate to call us, or drop in for a visit. Here at Gaston Dental Associates, we care for the health of you and your children, so give us a call today.